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Flood Resources & Information

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I add a new driveway or widen an existing driveway?


Fill out an Application for Access, found here. Applications can be e-mailed, regular mailed or dropped off at the County Engineer’s Office. Permits will not be processed and construction shall not begin until a field inspection has been completed by secondary road staff.


I am building a new house. Who do I need to contact?


Please contact the Zoning Department.


What is right-of-way?


Right-of-way is an area of land that is owned by the property owner, but the local government possesses an easement in order to maintain the road for public usage. The amount of right-of-way varies from road to road, but typically extends 33 feet each direction from the center of the roadway on gravel-surfaced roads and 50 feet each direction on paved roads. Landowners may not place, or cause to be placed, an obstruction within any county roadway right-of-way.


Who do I call about installing a new septic system?


Please contact Environmental Health.

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