Light Rain · 52°
Helpful Links
- Iowa Bar Association
- Find a lawyer tool
- Iowa Courts Online
- A tool for searching court cases in the State of Iowa
- Iowa Department of Human Services
- Iowa Legal Aid
- VineLink
- National Victim Notification Network
- Small Claims Court
- State Public Defender
- Catholic Charities
- Children’s Square Shelter
- Crime Victim Compensation
- Lyon County Sheriff Department
- Project Harmony
- Iowa State Wide Domestic Abuse Hotline | 1-800-770-1650
- Iowa State Wide Sexual Abuse Hotline | 1-800-284-7821
- Iowa Department of Human Services Child & Dependent Adult Abuse Hotline | 1-800-362-2178
- Iowa Office to Combat Human Trafficking | (888) 373-7888
- Lyon County Law Enforcement Non-Emergency | (712) 472-8300
- Catholic Charities 24-Hour Crisis Line | (712) 328-0266 or toll-free at (888) 612-0266 (outside of SW Iowa call (800) 284-7821)