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Victim/Witness Assistance
The Victim/Witness Coordinator is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding your criminal case.
The Victim/Witness Coordinator can provide you with basic information regarding the status of your case, register you as a victim for notification purposes, assist you with completion of a Victim Impact Statement and restitution forms, make referrals to community services, prepare you for any hearings or depositions you may have to participate in, and accompany you to any court proceedings.
Please remember the Victim/Witness Coordinator is not bound by confidentiality and may communicate the information you provide to both law enforcement and the County Attorney.
You may contact the Victim Witness Coordinator at or (712) 472-8545.
Helpful Links
- Description of Victim Rights
- Protective Orders V. No Contact Orders
- Victim's Request to Vacate or Modify NCO
- Witness Claim for Payment of non-expert Witness Fees
- Crime Victim Compensation Program
- This site provides general information on who qualifies and how to apply for the Crime Victim Compensation Program.
- VineLink
- This site allows victims to see if offenders are still in jail and to register to be notified when they get out.