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Flood Resources & Information

Frequently Asked Questions


Do you offer blood pressure screenings?


Health Services of Lyon County offers community blood pressure clinics in all of the communities in Lyon County. We offer blood pressure screenings as well as health education.


Do you offer radon and water testing?


Yes. Our program provides septic inspections and permits, as well as new well permits. We provide education on environmental health hazards to county residents. Please call us at (712) 472-8200 or email us at to learn more.


Do you provide any services for children's health?


Health Services offers parents of children ages 2 mo. through 5 years of age the opportunity to have developmental screenings completed. We identified that many parents are unsure of what the developmental appropriate growth patterns are with children. They may not need in-home services on a continual basis, but would still benefit from understanding child development patterns and learning how to make their child school-ready.

Please call us at (712) 472-8200 or email us at to learn more.


Do you provide immunizations?


Health Services currently offers vaccines to children who meet the qualifications of the VFC (Vaccine for Children Program) and we accept private insurance for vaccinations. Learn more on our Immunizations page.


What can I do to help an elderly relative/friend who I believe is at risk of suffering a fall?


Health Services of Lyon County offers county residents the opportunity to have a free in-home fall risk assessment completed.

We identified this was a need in our county, due to the results of our county health rankings indicating that we had a high percentage of falls in our county, mostly with the elderly population. Please call us at (712) 472-8200 or email us at to learn more.


What services are offered for those needing in-home care?


Our homemaker program places trained and supervised aides in the home of families and adults for a temporary or extended period of time, because of illness or disability. Learn more on our Homemaker page.

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