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Board of Adjustment

Learn about the Lyon County Board of Adjustment, and view a list of its current members.

Section 27.1. Confirmation of Board of Adjustment

The Lyon County Board of Supervisors shall provide for the appointment and confirmation of the board of adjustment. Pursuant to the authority of this ordinance, the board of adjustment may in appropriate cases and subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards make special exceptions to the terms of the ordinances in harmony with its general purpose and intent and in accordance with general or specific rules therein contained and provide that any property owner aggrieved by the action of the board of supervisors in the adoption of such regulations and restrictions may petition the said board of adjustment direct to modify regulations and restrictions as applied to such property owners. The members of the board of adjustment, as created and established under applicable provisions of the Iowa statutes, are hereby confirmed to their appointed terms of office. (Code of Iowa, Sec.335.10)

Section 27.2. Membership, Term of Office and Removal

The board shall consist of five (5) members, a majority of whom shall reside within the county but outside the corporate limits of any city, each to be appointed by the board of supervisors for a term of five (5) years. When the board is first created, one member shall be appointed for a term of five (5) years, one for a term of four (4) years, one for a term of three (3) years, one for a term of two (2) years and one for a term of one (1) year. A majority of the members of the board of adjustment shall be persons representing the public at large and should not be involved in the business of purchasing or selling real estate. A vacancy exists when a member retires, dies, resigns, is removed from the board, is otherwise physically unable to perform the duties of office, or their term of office expires. Members may be removed for cause after notice and opportunity for hearing. The board of supervisors may also remove a member for three consecutive absences. (Code of Iowa, Sec.335.11)

Board of Adjustment

Darren Dubbelde
Term Ends: 12/31/25
Term Length: 5 Years
Kevin Fluit
Term Ends: 12/31/28
Term Length: 5 Years
Dale Kollis
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length: 5 Years
Dave Korthals
Term Ends: 12/31/27
Term Length: 5 Years
Dennis Winkowitsch
Term Ends: 12/31/29
Term Length: 5 Years

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