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Property Tax
Property Tax Statements are mailed in August to the deed holder, unless written notification from the deed holder is received requesting the tax statement to be sent to a third party. Third parties, such as escrow companies, may obtain your tax information online. Copy of your tax statement is available online at
Due Dates
- Property taxes may be paid in full in September of each year or split in two installments:
- First half is due September 1 (becomes delinquent on October 1)
- Second half is due March 1 (becomes delinquent on April 1)
- Partial payments are allowed on current property taxes. Iowa law prohibits partial payments on tax sale redemptions or special assessments.
Delinquent Taxes
Delinquent taxes accrue interest of 1.5% per month, per parcel, rounded to the nearest dollar with a minimum penalty of $1.
- Notice will be sent to deed holders who have outstanding taxes as of November 1 and May 1
- A notice of annual tax sale shall be mailed no later than May 1 to the person in whose name the parcel subject to sale is taxed.
- Delinquent taxes as of May 1 are assessed with a publication fee and if unpaid, must be advertised for sale at the annual tax sale in June.
Tax Sale
The following summary is provided for reference only. Please consult Iowa Code or professional legal counsel for information specific to your circumstances.
All qualifying unpaid parcels are published in one of the County's Official Papers. By registering to bid at the online tax sale at, you may view the listing that is updated nightly. This list can also be viewed at the Iowa Treasurer's website, where payment updates can be checked by parcel number. Terms and conditions of the tax sale can also be viewed online at the Iowa Treasurer's website.
Property Tax Credits
- Elderly and Disabled Tax Credit
- Maximum credit of $1,000 based on total household income
- Iowa residents 65 or older OR 18 or older AND totally disabled
- Iowa residents 70 or older may qualify for limits on the increase in property tax
- Mobile Home Reduced Tax
- Based on total household income
- Iowa residents 23 or older OR 18 or older AND totally disabled
- Other tax credits available through the Assessor's Office:
- Military exemptions
- Homestead credits
- Agricultural land credits
- Family farm credit
- Business tax credit