Conservation Board
History & Purpose

In 1955 the Iowa State Legislature passed a law permitting counties to establish County Conservation Boards (CCB). The Lyon County Conservation Board was formed in 1963, for the purpose of acquiring, conserving, and developing natural resource projects in the county. The Conservation Board program is supported by a property tax levy, user fees, and grants.
The five-person board is appointed by the Board of Supervisors for a period of five years in staggered terms. The members serve without pay but may receive their actual expenses for mileage, etc. while carrying out official duties. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month and are open to the public.
According to the Code of Iowa, Chapter 350, the CCB is empowered to study and acquire land for museums, parks, preserves, parkways, playgrounds, recreation centers, forests, wildlife, and other conservation purposes and for participation in watershed, drainage, and flood control programs for the purpose of increasing the recreational resources in the county. The CCB may accept a transfer of land from the Department of Natural Resources, County Board of Supervisors, or City Government as long as due consideration is given to its scenic, historic, archaeological, recreational, or other special features.
The CCB is also empowered to employ and fix the compensation of a Director who shall be responsible to the CCB for the carrying out of policies. The Director, subject to the approval of the Board, may employ and fix the compensation of assistants and employees as necessary for carrying out the operations associated with the organization.
With leisure time becoming more of a treasured aspect to all segments of our society, the result has been a growing demand for public outdoor recreational opportunities. In the coming years, the Conservation Board program seeks to ensure ample opportunity to enjoy the scenic beauty and recreational potential within the county.