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Flood Resources & Information

Birth Certificates

How to request and receive a certified birth certificate


Certified copies are $15.00 each.


You will need a valid ID or driver's license, be at least 18 years old and have entitlement.

If you are applying for a certified copy through the mail, you must fill out the application with your signature notarized, and we need a copy of your valid ID or driver's license and a check or money order (made out to the Lyon County Recorder and signed by remitter). Please send everything to the Lyon County Recorder at 206 S 2nd Ave., Suite 203 Rock Rapids, IA 51246.

If you have any questions, please call (712) 472-8528 Option #6


If you do not have a valid driver's license or ID, please provide alternative identification. View Identity Documents for acceptable forms of alternative IDs.


Direct and Tangible Interest

Records Available

Certified Copies: 

Certified copies are available from our office if:

  • The event took place in Iowa between 1986 - Present
    • Certified copies can be obtained through any Iowa County Recorder's Office or the State Office for events during these dates.
  • The event took place between 1880 - 1921 and 1941 - 1985*
    • And the event occurred in Lyon County
    • And there was no adoption or single-parent birth for the Birth records in this time frame

Otherwise, the record is at the State Office. Request a record through the Iowa Department of Public Health website by clicking "Request Record" below.

*We do not have records from July 1, 1921, through June 30, 1941. They are only at the State Office.

Request Record

To request a certified recordby mail, please visit the Iowa Health and Human Services (IHHS) website. Once there, scroll 1/2 down the page to find "How to request a certified record by mail."  Click the "+" sign.  Then "Application for Copy of Vital Record Certificate"

Request Record (IHHS)


They are $5.00 cash/each.

Photocopies are available if the birth event occurred:

  • In Lyon County
  • Between 1880 - June 30, 1921, or July 1, 1941 - Present

The record will be noted, "Not for Legal Purposes."

Our Contact Information: 

Lyon County Recorder 
206 S 2nd Ave, Suite 203
Rock Rapids, IA 51246

Phone: (712) 472-8528 Option #6

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