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Flood Resources & Information

Death Certificates

How to request and receive a certified death certificate


Certified copies are $15.00 each. 


You will need a valid ID or driver's license, be at least 18 years old and have entitlement.

If you are applying for a certified copy through the mail, you must fill out the application with your signature notarized, and we need a copy of your valid ID or driver's license and a check or money order (made out to the Lyon County Recorder and signed by remitter). Please send everything to the Lyon County Recorder at 206 S. 2nd Ave, Suite 203 Rock Rapids, IA 51246.

If you have any questions, please call (712) 472-8528 Option #6


If you do not have a valid driver's license or ID, please provide alternative identification. View Identity Documents for acceptable forms of alternative IDs.


Direct and Tangible Interest

Records Available

Certified Copies: 

Certified copies are available from our office if:

  • The event took place in Iowa between 1954 - Present
    • Certified copies can be obtained through any Iowa County Recorder's Office or the State Office for events during these dates.
  • The event took place between 1880 - 1921 and 1941 - 1953*
    • And the event occurred in Lyon County

Otherwise, the record is at the State office. Request a record through the Iowa Department of Public Health website by clicking "Request Record" below.

*We do not have records from July 1, 1921, through June 30, 1941. They are only at the State Office.

Request Record

To request a certified record, please visit the Iowa Health and Human Services (IHHS) website. Once there, scroll 1/2 down the page to find "How to request a certified record by mail." The click the "+" sign. Then "Application for Copy of Vital Record Certificate."  

Request Record (IHHS)


They are $5.00 cash/each. 

Photocopies are available if the death event occurred:

  • In Lyon County
  • Between 1880 - June 30, 1921, or July 1, 1941 - Present

The Record will be noted, "Not for Legal Purposes." 

Our Contact Information: 

Lyon County Recorder 
206 S 2nd Ave, Suite 203
Rock Rapids, IA 51246

Phone: (712) 472-8528 Option #6

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